Inside KDHX

KDHX partners with consultants in three ways: for specific projects like strategic planning, for expert guidance around specific priorities like building anti-racist capacity, and for human resources support.

In 2022, KDHX spent less than 1% of its operating budget on consultants. Except for larger projects like strategic planning, the 2022 budget represents the average amount KDHX spends on consultants. The consultant budget is approved annually through the budgeting process with the staff and the board. 

KDHX has a history of partnering with expert consultants for large projects or changes. The Station Renewal Project is an example of a project where KDHX partnered with several consultants. Read more about the Station Renewal Project.

In 2020, KDHX partnered with Gladiator Consulting to develop a new three-year strategic plan. Read KDHX’s strategic plan with context from Gladiator.

KDHX also partners with the Conflict Resolution Center of St. Louis (CRC) to provide 3rd-party human resources support. Read more about why KDHX partners with 3rd-party facilitators.




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