Inside KDHX

An Anti-Racist Charter is a formal document that serves as a roadmap for what an organization, team and/or individual intends to accomplish through building anti-racist capacity. The charter should clearly name stakeholders, goals and activities.  At this time, the charter is 1) meant to be a living document that is adopted and revisited by staff, board, and volunteers and 2) meant to be used both to inform the broader community and allow the broader community to hold KDHX accountable to its anti-racist journey. 

KDHX believes racism is contrary to its mission and values and will not tolerate racism and racial discrimination in all forms and contexts. 

KDHX will consistently seek to identify structural barriers to racial equity institutionally, across the local community of St. Louis, and within the industry.

KDHX commits to tackling racism and racial discrimination and promoting equity and belonging for all with respect to its organization and leadership, including decisions regarding staff, board, and volunteer recruitment. 

KDHX seeks to promote inclusion, representation, and belonging for all within its programming.

KDHX leadership, staff, board and volunteers commit to hold itself accountable to upholding these principles through continued examination of organizational policies, practices, culture, and communication.

We believe our adherence to these principles will allow KDHX to accelerate the St. Louis community on a path to racially equitable St. Louis. 

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