Plaza Suite Auditions

Sponsored by TheBank of Edwardsville, Hard Road Theatre announces auditions for their upcoming fall comedy, PLAZA SUITE. Written by Neil Simon, Plaza Suite is a portrait of three different and unrelated couples who each occupy the same suite at the Plaza Hotel on successive evenings. A suburban couple take the suite while their house is being painted and it turns out to be the one in which they honeymooned 23 (or was it 24?) years before and was yesterday the anniversary, or is it today? This wry tale of marriage in tatters is followed by the exploits of a Hollywood producer who, after three marriages, is looking for fresh fields. He calls a childhood sweetheart, now a suburban housewife, for a little diversion. Over the years she has idolized him from afar and is now more than the match he bargained. The last couple is a mother and father fighting about the best way to get their daughter out of the bathroom and down to the ballroom where guests await her or as Mother yells, "I want you to come out of that bathroom and get married!

PLAZA SUITE has roles for both men and women. Auditions will be held on Monday, August 21st and Tuesday, August 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at the Highland Elementary School Auditorium, 1800 Lindenthal Ave., Highland, IL. Auditions will consist of cold readings from the script. Those auditioning should be aware of any conflicts they have from August 23rd – October 15th. Performances of the play will be Oct. 6,7, 8, 13, and 14. If you have any questions about the show or would like more information, please contact the producer, Tom Varner at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hard Road Theatre Productions is a non-profit theatre organization committed to providing Highland and the surrounding area with high-quality, affordable, live theatre productions. For more information about PLAZA SUITE or Hard Road Theatre in general, please visit the Hard Road website at

Event Properties

Event Date 08-21-2017 7:00 pm
Event End Date 08-21-2017 9:30 pm
Location Highland Elementary Auditorium

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