Snow Ball

Snow Ball is a FREE launch party for Snow Day, a new St. Louis company exploring art + tech to create bespoke snowglobes.


- Snowglobe Exhibit of work by 36 local artists

- Silent Auction benefiting Assisi House

- Music by The Heavenly States

- DJ, Raffles, and Entertainment

- Food and Drink available for purchase from Rockwell Beer Co.


We’ve asked our favorite artists to create sculptural houses which will be scanned, printed, and exhibited inside magical snowglobes. These unique snowglobe artworks will be available for purchase by silent auction. Proceeds from the auction will benefit St. Louis Winter Outreach’s Assisi Houses, which provide warm and safe shelter throughout the winter months and assist in transitions to permanent housing and employment for those in need.


The Heavenly States will perform a fabulous live show.


Thomas Crone is our DJ for the evening, while Kat Kissick, Maxi Glamour, and Michelle Schaeffer will co-host the festivities.


Featured artists include: 

Adrian Aquilino

Alicia LaChance

Ashli England

Brian Murphy

Bryan Walsh

Carrie Keasler

Casey Miller

Cbabi Bayoc

Charlie Houska

Craig Downs

Dail Chambers

Daniel Burnett

David Langley

Edo Rosenblith

Eugenia Alexander

Gaucha Berlin

Hap Phillips

Jason Spencer

Jay Alan Babcock

Julie Malone

Justin Tolentino

Kat Kissick

Kate Vander Wende

Kevin Belford

Margaret Keller

Martha Valenta

Mary Engelbreit

Maxi Glamour

Meghan Grubb

Nita Turnage

Peat Wollaeger

Sarah Clayton

Sarah Paulsen

Tim Meehan

Yvonne Osei


For more information, contact Amy VanDonsel at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Event Properties

Event Date 12-31-2018 7:00 pm
Location Rockwell Beer Co.

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