Dark Religion: Fanaticism from a Jungian Perspective

Wisconsin based Jungian analyst, Vlado Solc, will discuss the difference between spirituality and dark religion. Friday night’s lecture will explore the archetypal and ego-centric dynamics of what makes religion dark. What can make religion so dark a religious fanatic takes his or her own life and the lives of hundreds of unwilling, unaware fellow humans? How does a religious devotee become a fanatic projecting extreme judgment onto people, institutions, and countries? Saturday Solc will discuss the psychological undercurrents of extremism and fundamentalism. Mythological and clinical parallels will be considered. We will explore our own feelings when confronted with dark religion.

Event Properties

Event Date 03-09-2018 7:00 pm
Event End Date 03-09-2018 9:00 pm
Location First Congregational Church

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