SPLASH - Chalily Charity Pond and Garden Tour

So if you missed the garden tours in June, here's a great opportunity to see more water gardens in September. Many Water Gardeners are opening their special places to the public for this wonderful tour,


Splash is back this year!


Chalily is hosting "SPLASH" Water Garden Tour, Saturday, September 22, 2018.


This is a unique tour!


You can ride the bus (or drive independently if you wish), enjoy three meals throughout the day, and stroll through many lovely gardens. All the proceeds go to Project Healing Waters, a non-profit that helps veterans. An opportunity to have a fun day and still benefit others. The cost for the day tour is $40, including the bus and all meals! How great is that!!! Tickets are available online at www.chalily.com, and at Chalily's. For more info call Chalily at 636-527-2001.


We look forward to seeing you September 22nd for a day of fun, food, friendship, and beautiful ponds and gardens!



Event Properties

Event Date 09-22-2018 9:00 am
Location Chalily Pond and Garden

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