Write for a Change

Write for a Change on October 24! Come to the St. Louis Public Library Carpenter Branch and take a few minutes to write a letter to a legislator, or a note to a friend, or a social media post, or a letter to the editor, or an email, or an op-ed article, or a blog post, or a script for a phone call, or a poem, or a story, or some graffiti — the possibilities are endless! But whatever you write, WRITE TO MAKE A CHANGE. If you want to raise your voice about something but aren't quite sure how to say it, come to Write for a Change and get started.

Editor Andrew Doty will be available from 6:30pm to 8:30pm to make suggestions and give writing tips, advice, and feedback. A reference of legislators' mailing addresses and email addresses will be on hand.

A limited amount of paper, pens, envelopes, and stamps will be available to use, but please bring your own if you can, or bring some extra to donate if you're able. The library has a small number of Chromebooks available to members.

On October 24, WRITE FOR A CHANGE!

Event Properties

Event Date 10-24-2017 6:30 pm
Event End Date 10-24-2017 8:30 pm
Location St. Louis Public Library - Carpenter Branch

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