Falling Fences - Winter Concert Series

Falling Fences returns! St. Louis is known for its hearty Irish and Americana music scenes, but no group in town bridges the gap like Falling Fences. The veteran musicians bring their highly original take on chanteys, ballads, rousing sing-alongs and daring instrumental flights. This isn't quaint acoustic music; this is acoustic music with guts and chops to burn. The 2016-2017 Winter Concert Series brings you area & regional bands paired a tasting from an area restaurants. There are two ticket options. 1) The show in the theatre & pre-show tasting in our event room starting at 5:45pm for $14 OR 2) the 7pm show only for $9. (Other WCS dates are Nov. 18, Dec. 16, Jan. 20, & Mar. 10) The Winter Concert Series is sponsored by the Edwardsville Parks And Recreation Department

Event Properties

Event Date 02-03-2017 7:00 pm
Location Wildey Theatre

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