Ghostwriter (TX) w/ the May Day Orchestra, Carondelet Guy

Ghostwriter (TX)
"..a one-man junk-folk-blues act with knitting-needle guitar, footstomp percussion, and a holler that sounds like a less lysergic Captain Beefheart." - Portland Mercury

"..a haunted road hog with a brimstone growl and guitar mixed hotter than Lucifer." - The Austin Chronicle

The May Day Orchestra (St. Louis)
Songwriter Tim Rakel and various Saint Louis-based musicians play a series of "folk operas" which are a series of songs revolving around a certain time period and subject. The first, "May Day, or Songs For Lucy Parsons", gave the band its name and concerns the labor movement of the 1880s and the anarchists of Chicago. The second, "Ota Benga", concerns the history of colonialism in the Congo and the life of Ota Benga, a pygmy man who was kept at the World's Fair in 1904 as well as the Bronx Zoo. The third and most current project, entitled "Wake," concerns the history of colonial resistance in Kenya.

Carondelet Guy (St. Louis)
Real talk from the mayor himself

All Ages

Event Properties

Event Date 03-14-2018 8:00 pm
Individual Price $5.00
Location The Sinkhole

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