Damon Davis: All Hands On Deck

Damon Davis’s All Hands On Deck is a powerful artwork that addresses social justice and the call for change. He conceived the original photographs of hands held up high during the months-long protests after Michael Brown Jr. was shot and killed in Ferguson in August 2014. Recalling the protestors’ chant “Hands up don’t shoot” that was echoed throughout the protests—they were photographed with their “hands up.” That signal of surrender, however, is transformed in Davis’s photographs into one of resistance, fortitude, and community. This free exhibition will be on view through March 22, 2022.

For more information, email Cameron Wulfert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Event Properties

Event Date 02-03-2022 10:00 am
Location Saint Louis Art Museum