I'm here for the music!
Over the next two months you are going to be seeing messages and hearing from many of KDHX’s volunteers telling you why they are “here for the music.”
If you tune in to KDHX for the music and the connection please give a Year-End gift today. You can give a single gift of any amount or start a monthly gift of $10, $20 or $30. Visit Support.KDHX.org to give today.
I'm Dan The Waterman, host of Heavy Rotation. I’m here for the music. KDHX provides me with a chance to discover and share new ideas and sounds that challenge my sensibilities. It serves as a shining beacon of musical education for St. Louis, the country,
and the world.
I'm DJ Boogie Ray, host of The Old Soul Harmony Show. I’m here for the music. KDHX gives me the opportunity to share the music that doesn’t get played anywhere else on the airwaves.
I'm DJ Lady Jock, co-host of Time Traveling My Way. I’m here for the music. Music is therapeutic. It brings joy and life and makes me want to dance to the beat. KDHX is important because it connects people from all over the world.
I’m Rebel Mae, co-host of Thick as Thieves. And I’m Professor Elle. We’re here for the music!
Being here for the music is the shiver of goosebumps you feel when music overwhelms your senses. It’s a prayer, a meditation, a moment of zen.
Hi, my name is Mark, host of The Crooked Spire. I’m here for the music. I love and am fascinated by the music that I've been given the chance to play, and want to share those emotions with others. I’m delighted to be a volunteer at KDHX. KDHX is essential for those of us who want to wander down different musical pathways.
Greetings, this is G.Wiz, co-host of Time Traveling My Way. Just so you know, I’m here for the music because "I am music & music is me" So when the music stops, so does all things with soul, and I have no intentions of losing my SOUL!
Hi, my name is Ryan, host of The American Confluence, and I'm here for the music. Music is powerful. It has the ability to make us feel, to bring back memories, to calm our minds, to excite and inspire, and simply get us through the day.
Hi, my name is Pat Wolfe, host of The Interstate. I'm here for the music. Music is life, and I love sharing songs that make me happy with the hope that it will bring you joy as well. Over the years, I have discovered so many artists that I would never have known about, thanks to KDHX.
Hi, my name is DJ ‘nit, host of Revolution Rockers. I’m here for the music because music holds the power to unite. Growing up speaking both Spanish and English, music became my most comfortable language. It narrates and serenades my life.
Hello, my name is DJ Kut, host of Kut’s Klassicz. I’m here for the music because I now have the same feeling I did when I started college radio in 1990, serving the listener's ears with new, different, and diverse music.
I'm the Soopaman DJ Speed, host of The Boombox. I'm here for the music because it’s a vessel to lift our spirits, calm us down, and send us to a “real good feel good” moment. KDHX has been a staple for me since its inception, and it has allowed me to provide an honored service.
I’m Jan, host of Global Grooves, and I’m here for the music. Sharing global music on KDHX with you is a privilege and a joy. I’m here for the music that expands our horizons.
Hi, I am Your Lady Edie B, host of R.S.V.P. real songs, very personal. I’m here for the music, it feeds the soul. At KDHX, I have the freedom to create moods and paint pictures without restraints. KDHX gives music lovers like me a home.