Inside KDHX

The Stage at KDHX is no longer a venue operated by KDHX.

KDHX owns the building and leases the first floor, which contains a venue and bar, to Kranzberg Arts Foundation (KAF), which programs and staffs the space, now called Central Stage.

There are two main reasons that KDHX no longer programs The Stage. 

1. KDHX was not able to lend the necessary resources to The Stage to make it a success. The vision of The Stage was to create a place where community was being built, connections were being made, and local talent was being showcased. Through KDHX’s partnership with KAF, that original vision is coming to fruition. Music, comedy, and storytelling are regularly programmed at Central Stage and are supported through the resources of KAF. 

2. KDHX used the funds from leasing the first floor to offset debt incurred from the purchase and buildout of KDHX’s building, reducing debt and allowing KDHX to allocate the resources being used for The Stage back to our radio programming. 

Visit the Central Stage website to find out more about programming.



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