March Coffee Talk - The St. Louis Fashion Industry

For our March Coffee Talk, we're delighted to welcome Susan Sherman and Phyllis Langsdorf as our special guests to discuss the fashion industry in St. Louis. At one time, St. Louis was one of the premiere locations in the United States for the design and production of clothing, hats, shoes, and other apparel items for both women and men. Our program will explore what that world was like and how the Fashion Fund has resurrected that industry here today. We will also highlight the current trends in fashion for spring and summer as well as the evolution of designers and nonprofits in St. Louis. Please wear a favorite piece of clothing, jewelry, hat, scarf, etc. for this Coffee Talk program. Drawings will occur for a Fashion Fund swag bag and for a special fashion tour for one winner (and four friends) led by Susan Sherman.

For more information, email Alec Rothman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Event Date 03-21-2023 8:30 am
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